Sunday, July 29, 2012

July Comes to an End

This has been one of those weeks where we've been out every day. I wouldn't mind so much but I feel bad for Parker having to come with me and sit in his little stroller and/or carseat for so long. He's so good, though! He only starts to get upset once I've hauled him in and out of the car a few times. I'm very thankful for such an easy-going little boy.  :)

Between youth group events, grocery shopping, Bible study, doctor appointments, errands and family visits, it's been a long (but fun!) week. And that wasn't all...
Wednesday we celebrated our 9th anniversary! Our neighbors were kind enough to watch Parker for a couple hours while we went out for dinner. We hadn't had a date night in a few months so it was nice to go out ourselves. We went to one of our favorite new Italian places and had a wonderful meal. And by the sound of it Parker was perfectly happy here, playing with his little friend and eating his own favorite meal of macaroni and cheese.  :)
I was spoiled again, of course, when Kyle presented me with a beautiful purse along with a giftcard for new maternity clothes! I went to the mall the next morning to pick out a couple things. Yes, I have the sweetest guy ever!

The last thing we did this week was go to a baseball game on Saturday. The Dodgers were in town playing the Giants and a big group of Kyle's co-workers and their families were all going. We thought it would be fun to take Parker although we knew his little attention span wouldn't last the entire game. He did pretty well, though. We got lunch as soon as we found our seats and he was content to sit and eat french fries and snacks for a while. Pretty soon he was climbing off and on his chair, looking for something to do. We were able to distract him with a snowcone for a little while but by the 5th inning he was starting to get upset. He calmed down once Kyle pulled out his phone for him to play with. We finally ended up leaving during the 7th inning. But I don't think we missed much, as the Dodgers were up 7-0 when we left. It was a fun day! Even though Parker is too young to watch or understand the game, I'm still happy we took him. You can't beat spending time as a family!

So that was our week...  hopefully August starts out a little less crazy! I'm looking forward to some time at home. And I'm sure Parker is, too.  :)

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