Between youth group events, grocery shopping, Bible study, doctor appointments, errands and family visits, it's been a long (but fun!) week. And that wasn't all...
Wednesday we celebrated our 9th anniversary! Our neighbors were kind enough to watch Parker for a couple hours while we went out for dinner. We hadn't had a date night in a few months so it was nice to go out ourselves. We went to one of our favorite new Italian places and had a wonderful meal. And by the sound of it Parker was perfectly happy here, playing with his little friend and eating his own favorite meal of macaroni and cheese. :)
I was spoiled again, of course, when Kyle presented me with a beautiful purse along with a giftcard for new maternity clothes! I went to the mall the next morning to pick out a couple things. Yes, I have the sweetest guy ever!

So that was our week... hopefully August starts out a little less crazy! I'm looking forward to some time at home. And I'm sure Parker is, too. :)