Well, we thought the furniture was in last week but, as it turns out, only the crib mattress arrived. Though baby's not due for a while yet, we've been teasing that if his furniture isn't here by the time he comes, he may have to sleep in one of our empty moving boxes or plastic tubs! :) But at least he has a mattress now! We were going to paint the room last weekend, thinking once it was done we could set up the crib a few days later and start getting his room put together. But once we found out that the furniture wasn't here, our motivation dropped--plummeted, actually. So as of today, we still haven't picked out the final paint color and a mound of boxes are still sitting in the corner of the room. I guess we can procrastinate for a little while longer.
I made a couple more things for baby, one of which made Kyle start thinking....is it fair to your kids to make them fans of a sports team that's not very good? :) Because Toronto is one of the original (and most popular) NHL teams, they became the team Kyle and I cheer for. But to say they haven't been doing well is an understatement! So Kyle was wondering if we should encourage him to like a different/better team or if baby should, like most little boys, like the team his Dad likes...at least while he's young and doesn't know any better! :) Any thoughts?
I voted for him being a little Toronto fan. After all, he already has some team gear!

I also made some burp cloths and a little pouch to carry wipes/diapers.

Cute bib! And your burp cloths look so great compared to the ones I sewed up yesterday!