Monday, February 13, 2012

Found It!

I'm SO thankful today...
About six years ago, Kyle gave me a jewelry set for Christmas. It had a set of diamond stud earrings, and a small matching pendant. I love it! But when we lived in our apartment in Pacifica a few years ago, I lost the pendant. I looked everywhere...until I finally gave up, thinking it had either been dropped or pushed behind our big wooden wardrobes or that it had gotten caught on a shoe and dragged outside or...who knows. It was gone. And I was SO disappointed, not to mention that I felt terrible about losing it! I had prayed that I would find it, but it never turned up. And it happened so long ago that I wasn't expecting to see it again.
Well, I was doing some cleaning today and I came across the little velvet case the jewelry set had come in. I keep the earrings in my jewelry box, so the case was empty. To be honest, I'm not even sure why I had held onto it. Before I threw it in the trash I opened it one last time to make sure there was nothing in it, and I took out the bottom piece of cardboard. Nothing. I pressed my finger along the inside of the hinge to close it, and I felt a little bump underneath. I tore back the ribbon, and there was my little pendant!! It had somehow gotten lodged in the back of the case and I was about to throw it away!
Praise the Lord! What a great reminder that God is good and that even our small prayer requests don't go unheard! :)

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