Monday, February 24, 2014

Canada Scores!!

Is it just me, or is anyone else happy the Olympics are finally over? Nonstop coverage for the past couple weeks has become more than tiring. Unlike Kyle, who likes to watch all the events, there are only a few I really care to see. I watched a little of the snowboarding and ski jumping but my main interest was in hockey. I know, I know, I can watch hockey almost any night of the week so why choose that sport out of so many others? Not sure... although it's always fun cheering for our favorite NHL team, it's different when all the best players come together to form an all-star lineup called Team Canada. The win is so much sweeter when it represents your country as a whole rather than just a city. And since hockey is Canada's game, it's always a big deal to see them play in the Olympics.

So our home was a house divided last week--just for fun, of course! Kyle somehow convinced Parker to cheer for Team USA, so I dressed Elise in her little Canada shirt and we had our own cheering section of red and white. When the USA and Canada hockey teams finally met, it was a tense two hours! As you can tell by the smiles, this picture of the guys was taken before the game...

Canada beat the USA--and went on to win gold--in both mens and womens hockey! We were so excited to see them win!! And in the process, I won a dozen cupcakes in a friendly bet with someone. Ah...the sweet taste of victory.  :)

 In celebration of our win and to cheer Kyle up I made a Canadian dessert called Nanaimo Bars. Chocolatey, custardy goodness in a pan! I think it helped.  :)

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