Tuesday, February 11, 2014

BEARY Cute Valentines

I've been trying to explain to Parker what Valentine's Day is. Although Kyle and I don't typically celebrate the holiday ourselves, I want our kids to know what it's for so they can join in the fun along with their little friends. Not sure if Parker totally gets it, but I asked if he'd like to help me make some special treats for his and Elise's friends. Of course he said yes.  :)

Because they would be from (and FOR) preschoolers, I didn't want all the commercial heart covered ones that say "I love you" or "Be Mine." I wanted something a little more kid friendly so we made our own. And, rather than candy, we were planning to give teddy grahams as a treat. We just needed some kind of bear-themed tag to tie on the bags. I went on Pinterest to see if there were some free printables available. There were a few pictures I liked, but I still didn't care for what they said. I did like this cute little bear face, though, so I copied the bear and pasted it onto a word document. It was shrunk down and our own message added in, and here's what we ended up with...

As I was getting out the supplies I wondered if the teddy grahams would need a bit of color added in. We had a package of pink candy melts and a small heart mold. I made just enough that each bag would get three hearts. It made it slightly more girly, yes but kids like color.  

Parker helped scoop the bears and hearts into the bags, then they were tied with a red ribbon.

Aren't they cute?! 

Happy Valentine's Day!!

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