Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Parker's Dog Kennel

As I may have mentioned, Parker has a thing for dogs (puppies, as he calls them). At last count he has eight small stuffed dogs that he carries--or leaves--all over the house. I was wondering how to keep them all in one place, partly so they are picked up, but also so he knows where they are if he wants them. He needed a dog kennel! :)

I was wanting to make something anyway, so I figured this might be fun. And when I mentioned it to Parker he thought it was a great idea. So off we went to Joann's! I already had decided I would make it similar to Daisy's (our real dog) kennel. Which meant it would have mesh sides so Parker could see the dogs inside, it would need a big door on the front, and a handle so he could carry it around. 

I bought a few large sheets of plastic canvas for the sides. I knew Parker would want green yarn on the edges so I basically just gave him a choice between various shades of green. And of course, he picked the brightest one. Nice!  :)  The only thing I wasn't able to find was a handle. Joann's used to sell handles for making purses but they no longer had them in stock. So the next best thing was a large 'D' ring--it would be plenty big for Parker's little hands. I grabbed a couple yarn needles and we were on our way home. Even though he knew I was making it, I didn't want him to see it until it was done so I waited until the kids were napping before starting it. 

I didn't have a specific size in mind, so I just cut the canvas sheets in half for the sides. But I thought that might be too big for a little guy to carry around, so I cut it down a couple times until it seemed like a good size--big enough for his dogs, but small enough for him to carry.  I cut out the two end pieces and a door and started stitching them together at the edges with the bright green yarn. I wasn't quite finished by dinner so I put it away and finished it after they were in bed for the night. Here it is after stitching it together. 

The next morning while he was at breakfast I put one of his dog blankets and two puppies inside and took it out to show him. Seems like he was pretty happy with it!

Parker carried it around all that day! He brought it from room to room and sometimes would go set it down next to Daisy's kennel for a while (pardon the mess--Daisy just had a bath!).

I still need to figure out some kind of 'lock' for the door so it will stay closed. But, as Kyle pointed out, stuffed dogs aren't going anywhere. So I guess there's no hurry.  :)

Elise's Birthday - Part 2

On November 16th we had Elise's birthday party! We had invited several families from church, most of whom had little ones Elise or Parker's age. A few of them weren't able to make it because we changed the date but we had a fun time with the ones that could be here! I changed the time from lunch to dinner but we had the same menu to keep it simple--a 'make your own sandwich' meal, along with fruit, veggies and chips.We had gone out earlier for pictures that day so I didn't know how much time I'd have to put together a hot meal in time, and I had already bought some sandwich toppings for the week before.
Since the kids aren't big on sandwiches, I cooked some chicken nuggets and fries for them.

I was hoping to get some pictures of the party, but I was too busy getting dinner out and then chatting with our friends that I didn't think about it! Oops. But we managed to get a couple of Elise opening presents and a few of our family and her cake. Elise did really well that day! I was expecting a meltdown part way through but thankfully she had taken a good nap in the afternoon and there was enough going on around her that it kept her occupied.

Just realized that the gift opening pictures are on Kyle's phone, so here are a couple that are accessible right now.  :)

Trying to keep with the bunny theme for party favors, I filled carrot shaped bags with small bunny graham crackers. Elise and her little friends got a carrot and a small wooden bunny-shaped puzzle (no picture, sorry), and the older kids got a carrot and a disney jigsaw puzzle.

Hard to believe Elise isn't a baby any more! She's now an active little girl, trying to walk everywhere, climb on everything and copy what everyone is doing!
I think we're in for some very busy days ahead.  :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Elise is One

Our baby girl turned one year old last weekend! Hard to believe our little Elise has been a part of the family for a year already. I'm so thankful for her each day. Every time I go in to get her after a nap and see her standing in her bed with her little stuffed puppy and her fuzzy baby hair sticking straight out I just want to hug her and never let go! And I love how talkative she is, always babbling to us and sometimes even cracking herself up.  :)

We had planned a party for her last Saturday, but the birthday girl came down with a bad cold earlier in the week. Then she shared it with me and Parker. So to avoid spreading their little germs to all their friends, we postponed the party for a week. I was disappointed we didn't have it on her birthday, but I'd rather be safe than get everyone else sick. And at this age she doesn't know the difference anyway. We didn't do too much on the 9th. I decorated the kitchen a little, and made a batch of cupcakes so she could at least get a taste of birthday cake.  :) I wrapped up her quiet book, too, so she'd have a birthday present to open. 

Here are a few pictures of the day. More to come after her party this weekend!

Not sure what to think of the candle

Finally decided she liked it! 

How do I get this goodness in me??

Opening a present after dinner. She happily played with it until bedtime!

 Ready for bed in their new matching penguin jammies!

 Our birthday girl
and now!