Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kyle's Birthday!

Kyle's birthday was November 3rd! He's not much for big parties, so we didn't do too much that night. We stayed in and I made him one of his favorites for dinner--a Mexican chicken casserole. Dessert was a mini apple pie with a candle in it! (sorry no picture!) :)

The next day, Friday, our Bible study group was coming over for a potluck so I had planned to make Kyle's birthday cake for that evening. I was up early with Parker, and after he had breakfast I started on the cake. Parker was happy to sit and 'help' me for a while...

Kyle prefers white cake, but I only had one white cake mix and the pan I was going to use took two mixes. So I made one white and one chocolate and poured them both into the pan at the same time.

I looked around a little for some decorating ideas but didn't see anything I liked so I made my own 'design.' :) I covered it with white fondant, then cut stripes of blue, green and white fondant and put them all around. I used cookie cutters to cut out the letters for Kyle's name and put that in the center, then made different sized fondant balls for around the bottom. Here's how it turned out:

And after our dinner party this is what was left--you can see how the two flavors were split pretty well!

Happy Birthday, Kyle! Love you!!

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