Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Busy Month!

I have a few pictures I meant to post in October but the last couple days of the month were a little crazy so I never got them on! I'll post them now instead...
October was a fun month this year. It started out with my parents coming to visit!! I was so excited they could be here and see Parker again--the last time they came was a year ago, when Parker was only a few weeks old. What a change! Now he's walking around trying to talk to them! What made their visit even more special was that they came for Parker's 1st birthday party. They got here a few days early which was a HUGE help. They were more than happy to entertain Parker while I made his cake and then Mom and I got everything else ready for the party. The next week we had plenty of time to visit and go shopping.

And we took a tour of Alcatraz on their last day here, too, something they had wanted to do the past couple times they've visited but it never worked out.

Then, about a week after they left, it was our turn to go on vacation--to Disneyland!

We went to Anaheim with two other couples the last week of Oct. We drove down on a Sunday afternoon and came back on Thursday. Our friend, Dana, had booked a house for all of us to stay in, which was within walking distance from the park. It was the perfect arrangement because each kid (the other couples each have a toddler as well) could go to bed in his own room and the rest of us could still spend time together in the evenings...and it was nice to have our own kitchen so we didn't have to eat out every night!
So Monday and Tuesday were spent between Disneyland and California Adventure. We only went on a few rides that weren't baby-friendly, so we just traded back and forth with the guys. They'd go on a ride together, then they'd take the kids so we could ride something.

Kyle said this was the most relaxing and enjoyable time he's ever had at Disney and I agree. Usually we're in a hurry to get from one ride to another and we don't take everything in, but when you go with babies you know starting out that you're going to do things slowly and take breaks for naps, snacks, diaper changes, etc. So we found that the slower pace was nice!
Thanks to Parker, we got to go on a lot of new rides this time! :) We tried the Little Mermaid (where he was quite taken with a life-sized Ursula), Winnie the Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, the Ladybugs, Flick's Flyer, Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear, etc. Parker seemed to like them, but we couldn't help wondering what he was thinking of it all...the dark tunnels, flashing lights, loud noises and music... It was quite a contrast to the quiet days he spends here with me!

Wednesday we looked up a local park and zoo and took the kids there for the afternoon. The zoo had maybe...6 kinds of animals? :) It was the tiniest one I've seen but it was perfect for Parker!
And he got to pet some goats.

The park also had a pumpkin patch so we tried to get some pictures but he didn't want to sit still for too long.

And finally, Parker got to go out for Halloween! I waited a little too long to buy him a costume so there wasn't much selection. But the good thing about waiting was that I only paid $3.75 for it--and it's super cute! We had a choice between a monkey and a shark, and here's what we decided on...

In the afternoon we had a few friends over and the kids had a little 'costume party.' Aren't they adorable?? :)

And that evening we went to the home of some friends, where we decided to take the kids out trick-or-treating! We went to a neighborhood that was blocked off and it was crazy! There were people everywhere and at times it was difficult to keep the others from our group within sight--especially after it got dark! It was fun, though, and on the way back we stopped at a few individual houses as well.
As you can see, Parker did pretty well for his first time out! But, as he doesn't eat much sweet stuff yet, we donated a lot of it to church--they were wrapping boxes for Operation Christmas Child. They wouldn't accept chocolate, though, so I guess I'll have to take care of that myself... :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kyle's Birthday!

Kyle's birthday was November 3rd! He's not much for big parties, so we didn't do too much that night. We stayed in and I made him one of his favorites for dinner--a Mexican chicken casserole. Dessert was a mini apple pie with a candle in it! (sorry no picture!) :)

The next day, Friday, our Bible study group was coming over for a potluck so I had planned to make Kyle's birthday cake for that evening. I was up early with Parker, and after he had breakfast I started on the cake. Parker was happy to sit and 'help' me for a while...

Kyle prefers white cake, but I only had one white cake mix and the pan I was going to use took two mixes. So I made one white and one chocolate and poured them both into the pan at the same time.

I looked around a little for some decorating ideas but didn't see anything I liked so I made my own 'design.' :) I covered it with white fondant, then cut stripes of blue, green and white fondant and put them all around. I used cookie cutters to cut out the letters for Kyle's name and put that in the center, then made different sized fondant balls for around the bottom. Here's how it turned out:

And after our dinner party this is what was left--you can see how the two flavors were split pretty well!

Happy Birthday, Kyle! Love you!!