We visited some friends this weekend who had their first child on Friday--just in time for Father's Day! And she is adorable!! Seeing her, we can't wait to meet our own little guy this Fall although we're pretty sure our baby will be a little more, uh, chunky than Kaylee's dainty little 5 lbs!
Since we still have a few months to go, I've been trying to make a few things for 'Kyle Junior.' Nothing too elaborate, just little accessories, mostly. I found a couple patterns online for shoes/slippers that I wanted to try. The first ones were easy but I don't know how well they'll stay on his feet...they seem a little wide and loose. So I tried a different pattern which is supposedly more like Robeez shoes? Looks like they'll stay on his feet a little better. I made them navy with fleece lining. Here's how they turned out...
It was fun making these ones, so I made another pair for a friend who's having a girl. Here are the ones for her.
Next I made a couple bibs. Gotta keep up with all the drooling, right? :) So far he has a red/white/blue one and a frog one. I used terry cloth on the backs so it'll absorb more.
I made a blanket out of the same frog flannel. We're doing the baby room in a farm theme, but I guess frogs kind of go with that! And extra blankets are always good. This was just two layers of flannel, same print on both sides.
The last thing I made were pee pee teepees! If you've never heard of them, they're little flannel cone-shaped covers that you put over a baby boy when changing his diaper. They will keep you from being 'sprinkled' on. :) I've been seeing them around and thought I'd try making some rather than buy them. I figured out how to make them with invisible seams, and they turned out pretty well!
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