Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend

It seemed like Easter would never get here! I gave Elise her bunny slippers early so she's been wearing them for the past month. They're so cute on her little feet!  :)

I wasn't sure how much Parker would understand about the meaning of Easter. I tried to explain it to him but I don't think he really gets it yet. And that's okay--he's only three. Trying to process who God is can be enough for a little person. Add to that the story of how and why Jesus came to earth to die on the cross and the resurrection and it's probably a bit much to take in. We'll let him think about it for a while. We visited my sister-in-law's church on Sunday and Parker's class made these neat crafts--a tomb with the stone rolled away. I'm going to keep it for a while and maybe it'll be a good reminder for him of what the holiday is for. 

But we also wanted to make it fun, so we had an egg hunt for the kiddos. We did it on Friday since we would be away on Sunday. 

Parker and Elise waited in their room for a few minutes while I "hid" eggs around the living room. It's great doing it with toddlers--you basically just set all the eggs out in plain view and then you still have to show the kids where to look!  :) 

Parker found his pretty quickly. Elise, on the other hand, took her time. She would pick one up and look at it, then slowly open it. We had to keep prodding her to make sure she got them all. I'm not a big fan of giving little kids a bunch of candy so I filled the eggs with other treats instead--raisins, fruit snacks, socks, tattoos, stickers, etc. 

Friday afternoon we drove to my sister-in-law's house and spent that evening and Saturday with their family. It was a fun weekend of visiting, playing games, shopping and eating. And Parker and Elise got to meet their cousin's bunny, Princess! 

On Sunday we got together with more of Kyle's family in Sacramento. It was great to see everyone and the kids had a blast playing with all their cousins and aunties and uncles. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful and caring inlaws! :)

Finally, here are a couple pictures of Elise in her Easter outfits.    :)

 Isn't she the cutest bunny ever?!