Thursday, May 30, 2013


Wanted to post a few updates from May before the month is completely over! Let's see...

Elise started rolling over this month! She had done it a time or two before, but now she does it all the time. We lay her on her back and within a couple minutes she's on her tummy. And then she gets mad. Sometimes she'll just lay there and scream until we come get her and other times she'll keep rolling over and over until she's across the room. No crawling yet although she's got some of the movements down so it won't be long. And she smiles all the time.

Parker is a cutie, as always. Sometimes (MOST of the time) running around like a little crazy person and other times sitting in my lap wanting to read a book. Since we all had a cold last week and were continually wiping his nose he is now a little obsessed with boogers. Earlier this week Kyle had eaten a nectarine and left the seed, partially wrapped in a napkin, sitting on the table. Parker came over and stared at it for a minute. Then he looked at me and, pointing at the seed, said that Daddy got a BIG booger out!  :)  After I was done laughing I told him it was a seed from a nectarine. I asked him if he could say nectarine. He tried repeating the word, which came out as "neckdirty."

And this was my first Mother's Day with two little ones! So thankful the Lord has blessed us with these two! I love them SO much!! There have definitely been some frustrating days, caring for a toddler in the midst of his 'terrible two's as well as a sick and teething baby but I wouldn't change it for anything. Those hard days are nothing compared to the joy and love these babies give back. Every time Elise gives me a huge gummy smile and giggles or when she snuggles her soft head into my shoulder after eating she makes me completely happy. As does Parker when he comes and lays his head on my lap and tells me he loves Mommy or when he says "Oh, fank you!" after I refill his water cup for him. :)

It's been a busy yet fun month. We took the kids to the zoo, went on a playdate, had a picnic with friends, visited family and, of course our regular routines of going on walks, grocery shopping, etc. I love seeing how Parker and Elise interact now. While Kyle and I have to work to get a laugh from her, Elise thinks Parker is hilarious! All he has to do is walk up to her and say her name or squeal in her face and she gives a loud chuckle. Love watching them together.

So that's a quick glimpse of our last few weeks! Hopefully I'll get back to regular posts soon.  :)