Thursday, March 21, 2013

Summer Dress

I finally have some exciting news to share--we're moving!! Kyle accepted a transfer with his company and we are heading to Texas. It will be a somewhat quick move, as we have to be there by mid-April. We started packing a few things as soon as we found out, but then it slowed way down. Though I'd love to pack up the kitchen and get it over with, we're still going to be here for several more weeks. Can't pack up my pots and pans quite yet...although that would be a great excuse for not having to cook.

"Dinner? Oh darn it, my pots are all in a box. Guess we'll have to get Chick Fil-A tonight. Again."

Well, it's a nice thought, anyway. We've just been boxing stuff we aren't using at the moment and aren't likely to within the next few weeks--board games, books, china, scrapbook supplies, etc. I already packed my fabric but I'm keeping my sewing machine out for a while longer. I have my machine, a pair of scissors and one little spool of white thread and I'm going to try and finish up a few projects I had started.

This is one of those projects. I'm told Texas gets a bit warm in the summer. I have a few baby dress patterns so I pulled one out several weeks ago to make Elise a dress. Couldn't decide if I liked any of my fabrics here so I went to Joann's in search of something better. What could be more summery than cute little cherries? But then I found a pretty blue flowered cotton that would also work. Decisions, I ended up getting some of each! The blue one went into the closet for a dress later.

I chose a pattern that was really easy although I'm not sure when it will fit her. Since Elise was around 15 lbs. I followed the pattern measurements and made her a medium. The finished dress looks kind of big, and the panties? They look like they could fit a 4 year-old! I haven't tried them on her but I'm guessing they'll look like the biggest granny panties you've ever seen.

You want to see pictures of her in the panties now, don't you?   :)