Saturday, April 28, 2012

Toddler Toy--Doorstops

This toy wasn't my idea. It was made by my husband, Kyle! A few months ago he had planned to make Parker a little wooden box with different activities on each side. Last Fall was a little busy for us, though, so it was never made. But he saw the supplies today when he went out to clean the garage, so he decided to work on it. When he tried to put it together, however, he realized the wood he had picked out wouldn't work, so he decided to just use one of the boards and keep it simple. He screwed four doorstops on the front of the board. Done!

 Confused?   :)

 Think of those little doorstops that look like springs. They bounce and make a loud, annoying "BOING" sound when you kick them. Yes, those doorstops. :) It seems like kids are drawn to those like magnets. So what better toy could you make than a small board with four springy doorstops that Parker can bend and pull on to his hearts content?

 It was an instant hit! Parker sat and played with it for quite some time. Not my favorite sound ever, but he loves it. And it's pretty hard to resist Parker's cute little grin when he finds a new favorite toy... :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Toddler Toys--Lacing Beads (or Rings)

I made this toy a few weeks ago but never got around to posting it. I saw some sets of lacing beads online and they had good reviews from parents of both boys and girls, so I was thinking about buying a set. It's basically a length of thin rope and jumbo wooden beads to string, to help teach toddlers motor skills. But ordering them and paying shipping was a little pricey, so I saw some ideas for making a set instead.
I checked Joann's for large beads but even though they were big, they were still small enough that Parker could put them in his mouth so I opted not to get them. I was going to put it on hold for a while, however, I was in Target shortly after that and I happened to walk past a box of foam pool noodles--perfect!
We picked out a bright blue one and paid $2 for it. Kyle already had some thin red rope left over from another project so I was all set. The only 'tools' I needed were a serrated knife and a cutting board.
I started cutting the noodle into rings, making them different widths.
It cut really easily with a knife! I only used about half of the noodle and I got a pretty good pile of rings.
I cut a piece of rope about 3' long and tied a loopy knot in one end so the rings wouldn't fall off as easily. The last step was to light a match and hold the ends of the rope up to the flame just for a second. This melted the fibers together so the ends can't fray and come apart.
That's it!

Although I don't think Parker is old enough for this one just yet... he didn't quite get it when I showed him what to do--he tossed the rope aside and wanted to stack the little rings! Since then he's enjoyed playing with them and scattering them throughout the house. I tried showing him again last week how to string them and he actually did okay, as long as I held the rope for him. So I guess this may be one for when he's a little older. :)