Sunday, November 28, 2010

A huge blessing in a small package

The past couple months have been busy, but incredibly fun! Now that Parker's here, we've heard all kinds of comments from people. Some have been positive, telling us how wonderful and rewarding parenthood can be. Then there are the negative ones, telling us about all the bad experiences that can and will happen. But there's one comment that always stands out.... we always think it's a little weird when someone tells us, "Don't worry, it will get better." I understand that not everyone enjoys babies as much as older children, who are more independent and can interact. But Parker has been such a blessing in the short time he's been here! When we first brought him home we could spend hours just sitting and looking at him, amazed and thankful that the Lord would create and give us this wonderful and perfect little person. :) Sure, we've also had a few frustrating times, but I wouldn't trade the past two months for anything! The Bible says children are a reward and a blessing from the Lord so we see it as a privilege to take care of Parker and we're loving every day we are able to spend with him. What an incredible opportunity it is to raise a child and be able to help shape his character and personality!
And we've had so much fun already! Actually, I've been a little surprised at how entertaining a newborn can be. Whether it's watching him go through countless facial expressions while he's stretching and waking up, or spewing milk clear across the crib, he keeps us constantly amused.
Okay, enough rambling for are a few pictures of him!

Parker is 7 weeks old today and is growing like crazy! At our one month doctor appointment, he was almost 10 lbs so we're looking forward to seeing how big he'll be by his two month check-up in a couple weeks.

Parker has been smiling a lot the past couple weeks. Seeing a big smile from him totally brightens my day! :)

My parents came out a few weeks ago to meet Parker. And in typical grandparent fashion, they completely spoiled him!