Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Card Organization

Do you keep greeting cards from birthdays or other special occasions? I have to admit, I usually throw them away once the big day is over. The only ones I keep are from Kyle. I have a keepsake box in which I have a few things from our wedding and some of the sweet cards/notes he's given me over the years. Yes, I'm sentimental that way.  :)

But when Parker was born I hung onto the baby cards we received. It was so nice to receive cards/gifts from people along with a personal message about our new little blessing and the joys we could look forward to! I couldn't decide if I should toss them or keep them along with Parker's other baby things... I finally decided to keep them for now but I wasn't sure how to store them. Then I remembered something I had found on Pinterest a while back that would now come in handy!

Basically, the cards were stacked neatly and had binder rings to hold them all together. Simple, right? :)
Here is my stack of cards before I started...

These were the only supplies I needed: a piece of paper folded in half to use as a template for where to punch holes, a hole punch and three binder rings.

I lined up the top holes for the bigger cards to make the stack look a little neater, then I centered the holes on the medium ones. On the smaller ones I just punched two holes, lining up the tops. I had a few cards that were irregular shaped or that opened from the bottom, so I punched holes in a few of the larger envelopes and will keep those cards inside them.

That's it! Now I have a nice, neat stack of baby cards that I can add to my keepsake box!  :)

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